Renewed United Nations

For a renewal of international relations!

The Intention of the Renewed United Nations

In many states, the existing constitutions and political systems do not permit fundamental changes in the systems. Membership gives states the opportunity to escape the existing systemic constraints, to turn their backs on international financial capital and to remove old obstructive entanglements. The Renewed United Nations is an offer of freedom and lasting peace and prosperity for all people in all nations.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

Its task is to guide the actions of the Renewed United Nations and to advance its goals and tasks. In doing so, it focuses on the needs of the planet as the natural basis of life and on the collective interests of all humanity.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

Its task is to guide the actions of the Renewed United Nations and to advance its goals and tasks. In doing so, it focuses on the needs of the planet as the natural basis of life and on the collective interests of all humanity.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The Security Council reports to the Council of Governors. Its task is to support the activities of the Economic and Social Council and to protect weak nations from the raids of private interest groups.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The task of the Economic and Social Council is to provide equal conditions of personal growth and prosperity for all people in all states and nations.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The task of the Economic and Social Council is to provide equal conditions of personal growth and prosperity for all people in all states and nations.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The United Nations Trusteeship Council manages territories whose peoples have not yet achieved full self-government. These peoples still include German peoples.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The Renewal Court of Justice is obliged to respect the laws of creation and serve the Creator and His creation. It shall help to find just solutions for all parties and to work for the rights and freedoms of all people.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The Renewal Court of Justice is obliged to respect the laws of creation and serve the Creator and His creation. It shall help to find just solutions for all parties and to work for the rights and freedoms of all people.

Structure of the Renewed United Nations

The Secretariat is the administrative organ of the Renewed United Nations. Its most important task is to provide organizational support.

The Charter of the Renewed United Nations is the founding treaty of the Renewed United Nations. It works to the best of its ability for peace, justice, a renewal of systems serving mankind, and the dissemination of values and ethics.