Charter Chapter X

The Economic and Social Council


Article 61

(1) The Economic and Social Council shall consist of not more than forty-nine members of the Renewed United Nations elected by the Governing Council or the General Assembly. These shall implement the principles set forth in Article 1 in their territory of responsibility and support neighbouring states upon request.

(2) Members of the Economic and Social Council shall be elected each year for a term of three years. A retiring member shall be eligible for immediate re-election.

(3) At the first election non-members may be elected to the Economic and Social Council in addition to the founding members when the former apply for co-operation and are genuinely prepared to pursue the purposes set forth in Article 1. The term of office of these additional members expires after one year. More details are regulated by the Governing Council and, when the number of 49 members has been reached, the General Assembly.

(4) Each member of the Economic and Social Council shall have one representative.

(5) The Economic and Social Council is under the supervision of the Governing Council.

Functions and powers

Article 62

(1) The Economic and Social Council may make or initiate studies and reports with respect to international economic, financial, monetary, social, cultural, educational, health, and related matters and may make or have reports made; it may make recommendations with respect to any such matters to the General Assembly, to the members of the Renewed United Nations, and to the renewal organisations concerned.

(2) It may make recommendations for the purpose of promoting respect for, and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.

(3) It may prepare draft conventions for submission to the Governing Council and the General Assembly, with respect to matters falling within its competence.

(4) It may call, in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Renewed United Nations, international conferences on matters falling within its competence.

Article 63

(1) The Economic and Social Council may enter into agreements with any of the agencies referred to in Article 57, defining the terms on which the agency concerned shall be brought into relationship with the United Nations. Such agreements shall be subject to approval by the Governing Council and preferably by the General Assembly.

(2) It may co-ordinate the activities of the specialised agencies through consultation with and recommendations to such agencies and through recommendations to the General Assembly, to the Governing Council and to the members of the Renewed United Nations.

Article 64

(1) The Economic and Social Council may take appropriate steps to obtain regular reports from the renewal organisations. It may make arrangements with the members of the Renewed United Nations and with the renewal organisations to obtain reports on the steps taken to give effect to its own recommendations and to recommendations on matters falling within its competence made by the Governing Council or the General Assembly.

(2) It may communicate its observations on these reports to the Governing Council and to the General Assembly.

Article 65

The Economic and Social Council may furnish information to the Governing Council and to the Security Council and shall assist them upon their request.

Article 66

(1) The Economic and Social Council shall perform such functions as fall within its competence in connection with the carrying out of the recommendations of the Governing Council and/or of the General Assembly.

(2) It may, with the approval of the Governing Council and/or of the General Assembly, perform services at the request of members of the Renewed United Nations or their renewal organisations.

(3) It shall perform such other functions as are specified elsewhere in the present Charter or as may be assigned to it by the Governing Council or by the General Assembly.


Article 67

(1) Each member of the Economic and Social Council shall have one vote.

(2) Decisions of the Economic and Social Council shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting.


Article 68

The Economic and Social Council shall set up commissions in monetary, financial, economic and social fields and for the promotion of human rights, and such other commissions as may be required for the performance of its functions.

Article 69

The Economic and Social Council shall invite any member of the Renewed United Nations to participate, without vote, in its deliberations on any matter of particular concern to that member.

Article 70

The Economic and Social Council may make arrangements for representatives of the renewal organisations to participate, without vote, in its deliberations and in those of the commissions established by it, and for its representatives to participate in the deliberations of the specialised agencies.

Article 71

The Economic and Social Council may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organisations which are concerned with matters within its competence. Such arrangements may be made with international organisations and, where appropriate, with national organisations after consultation with the member of the United Nations concerned.

Article 72

(1) The Economic and Social Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President.

(2) The Economic and Social Council shall meet as required in accordance with its rules, which shall include provision for the convening of meetings on the request of a majority of its members.